Product Standards

Product Acceptance Standard for Satchells Glass Products

The below scope is based on the Australian/New Zealand AS/NZS 4667:2000 and our supplier guidelines.


Visible Inspection Guidelines

Glass is to be inspected at an angle perpendicular (90 degrees) to the surface and viewed under natural light ie. (not in direct sunlight or under bright lighting). The glass is to be inspected from a viewing distance of 1.5 metres looking through the glass to a point 1 metre behind the glass. (Note the general purpose of glass is to be looked through not at). The above applies to mirrors in as much as they are designed to be viewing a reflection, not focusing on the surface.


Central Viewing Area

The central viewing area is defined as the area which you would normally look through or at. This area comprises the form of a rectangle or square whose dimensions do not exceed 80% of the height with a minimum edge border of 75mm. All other areas are considered non viewing areas.


Bow & Flatness Requirements

Due to processes, glass can often deviate or bow from a vertical plane. For both 6mm and 10mm products, Satchells deems a bow of up to 5mm to be acceptable at a height of 1800-2000. (Please note: Australian standards allows for a bow of up to 7mm).


Glass Quality

Seeds, bubbles, and spots etc., smaller than 1mm are acceptable in any number. These inclusions that are between 1mm and 3mm are allowable as long as there is no more than 1 per panel within the viewing area.

(Please note: Australian standards allows for inclusions up to 5mm in diameter). Scratches, scars and rubs are unacceptable in the central viewing area (clause 2) if examined using the visible inspection guidelines (clause 2). Heavy scratches less than 0.75mm in width and less that 75mm in length are acceptable if within the non-viewing area of the glass.


Glass Dimensions & Tolerances

As per the Australian standards, glass sizing can vary up to plus or minus 2mm. This can cause gaps between panels and I or doors to vary. Whilst we aim for uniform gaps of between 2mm and 4mm, gaps from 1mm to 6mm are deemed satisfactory and may not be uniform at all times.


Mirror Splashback Acceptance Standard

Mirror guard is not a true mirror product and is subject to imperfections in reflective quality and in glass surface quality.

Reflective quality is excluded from any defect or warranty claim. Glass imperfections must be visable at a distance of 3 metres at a perpendicular angle only to be considered under a defect or warranty claim.

